made this announcement in January 2013. This regulation comes on the heels of
an explosion of ‘debt reduction’ companies that charge up-front fees and will
even collect money from consumers with the promise of settling debts in the
Ontario Government’s new regulations will include:
1.Not allowing debt settlement companies to charge up-front fees when negotiating debt settlements.
2.Limiting the amount that a debt settlement company can charge.
3.Requiring that debt settlement companies are transparent and provide their clients with clear written agreements.
4.Allowing a consumer to have a 10 day cooling off period in the event that the individual changes his/her mind.
continues to be a rampant problem in Canada with many consumers turning to
credit to balance the shortfalls with the ever rising cost of living and
transportation in major city centres.
idea of regulating debt settlement companies is not restricted to Ontario. It
is an idea that is spreading across the country. Stated in the press release
issued by the Ontario Government was the fact that Alberta, Manitoba and Nova
Scotia have also introduced regulations with respect to debt settlement
are some other sobering facts that the Ontario Government included in their
press release:
1.Average consumer debt in Ontario is up to $25,447 in the second quarter of 2012, compared to $24,721 in the second quarter of 2011.
2.For every dollar Canadians earn, they have $1.64 in unsecured debt (Statistics Canada).
There are systemic problems in this country and unfortunately the ones who always seem to get the short end of the stick are consumers.
is the consumers who are drowning in debt and then finding themselves in the
offices of debt settlement companies looking for relief. These are the same
consumers who (depending on their choice of debt settlement company) may also
end up in a debt reduction program that doesn’t make sense or whose fees are
sky high.
regulate, regulate, regulate we say! We support any effort on the part of the
Ontario Government to see Canadian consumers get fair treatment.
For more information about debt settlement companies or if you have a debt problem and need help, please call 416-907-2582 or visit www.debtcare.ca.
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